NYSPEP provides a variety of opportunities for you to develop and expand your knowledge, skills, tools and resources to utilize in your work with parents, primary caregivers of children, and families.
Professional Development - If you're an experienced parenting educator interested in presenting workshops or webinars, developing trainings or educational programming, or are otherwise passionate about professional development, please email nyspep@nyspep.org to find out how NYSPEP's Professional Development workgroup can enhance your own professional development.
Parenting Educator Credential - This peer-driven, statewide Credential validates you as a professional and supports your advance learning goals while setting a path for advancement.
"Strong Roots" Last a Lifetime Training Institutes - These one-day trainings address identified needs in the field and are tied to the Credential core competencies for parenting educators. If you work with parents, primary caregivers of children, or families with children, these trainings can assist you in your work.
NYSPEP Member Meetings - This one-day event features an educational keynote or panel, allows opportunity for you to network and make new connections. You'll also get chance to learn about what's going on in the field and within NYSPEP. Member Meetings are open to the public.
Webinars - NYSPEP Webinars are the perfect stay-at-home training solution for winter months and may be offered throughout the year.
eNews - NYSPEP eNews archives include resources and toolkits that may support your work with families.
Mini-Grants - Small grants to service providers in New York for the purpose of increasing access to evidence based and promising parenting education programs.
Resources - A variety of resources for you and the families you serve.