NYSPEP Projects
NYSPEP is engaged in several projects that support our mission and goals. Click on the headings below for additional details.
The Credential defines consistent criteria and standards for parenting educators at four levels of expertise. More than 85 Credentials were awarded during the first two years following the credential’s introduction in Fall 2011.
Email: jlh524@cornell.edu

NYSPEP provides a variety of professional development opportunities including our Strong Roots Last a Lifetime training institutes, member meetings, and informative webinars.
Email: profdev@nyspep.org
New York State New Parent Kit is intended to provide parents with easy-to-use materials and tools to help parents support their child's physical, social, and emotional health right from the start.

Community Cafes are a series of guided conversations between parents and agencies to strengthen families and build capacity within communities to support healthy families.